Skolkovo projects “Motorica” and “Caterwil” were awarded the Ministry of Industry and Trade “Hope for Technology” in the nomination “The best socially oriented project in the field of rehabilitation technologies and devices in 2016”. This was announced following the results of the national forum of the rehabilitation industry and universal design “Hope for technology”, which was held the day before in the Skolkovo Hypercube.
Motorica Company, a resident of the Foundation’s biomed cluster, was awarded a prize for creating high-tech rehabilitation tools and techniques in the field of upper limb prosthetics for children under 16 years of age. The Catherville Novosibirsk team, which is currently registering as a Skolkovo member, has been awarded for the design and manufacture of an electrically powered wheelchair transformer.
“We are developing innovative rehabilitation systems for wheelchair users. Our best product is a wheelchair that can go down and climb stairs, ”said, 28-year-old graduate of Novosibirsk Technical University, Ivan Nevzorov, founder of Caterwil. – A disabled person sitting in a chair can climb stairs without assistance and without exerting physical effort. When the stroller rides on a flat surface, it moves on wheels. As soon as a disabled person needs to overcome an obstacle – a ladder, a curb or an uneven road, for example – the tracks move out with the push of a button. This is such a miniature tank on caterpillars, but a very smart tank – a robot equipped with many sensors that at any given time determine the position of the chair, which allows, in particular, to shift the center of gravity of the chair when climbing stairs, providing safe movement and reliable grip when overcoming obstacles ”

With this development, Caterwil participated in the Cybathlon international competitions in Switzerland in October. Taking the sixth place out of 12 teams, the Novosibirsk company outperformed the American and English participants considered leaders, but lost them in speed, although it earned the maximum number of points for overcoming obstacles. It is important to note that, unlike other Cybathlon participating teams, which presented prototypes specially designed for Kibatlon at the competitions, the Katerville stroller is already on the market.
The site has repeatedly written about the Motorica project. The CEO of the company, Ilya Chekh, spoke in an interview about the immediate plans of the company.
“We are getting deeper and deeper into the prosthetic enterprises of Russia, on December 16th we will have a large seminar at the Moscow prosthetic enterprise, under the management of which all the profile industries of the country are now united. We will perform prosthetics there, demonstrate technologies and train regional specialists how to work with our prostheses, ”says Ilya Chekh. – In addition, at the beginning of next year we begin selling the bioelectric prosthesis of the forearm; Now they have launched the certification process, we are conducting some technical refinement, but the main components are ready.
General director of the company “Motorica” Ilya Chekh receives a prize, next – another laureate, Ivan Nevzorov (Caterwil) Photo:
This will be the basic version for now, in order to learn how to work with clients of the market of biometric prostheses, which we have poorly developed, so we decided not to immediately introduce something supernova, but to start small. This is a prosthesis that will perform one grip plus have the ability to actively rotate the brush 360 degrees, and most importantly – stand-alone wireless sensors that will take an electromyogram with a built-in atrial module. Our task is to make our prostheses more intuitive: when a person extends the prosthesis to an object, the prosthesis will understand that the person wants to take something, open the hand and prepare to perform some kind of movement. The current version is designed for customers over 16 years old, and in a couple of months we’ll make a new version for 12 years. ”
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