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Stages of work on production construction

Stages of work on production construction

Here is a short but unique video that shows viewers all the stages of the construction of the Caterwil plant. In 30 seconds, we were able to show what had been going on for months. At times it looked like there was no end in sight. However, thanks to patience, hard work, perseverance and unwavering faith in the result, we have reached the end, or rather the beginning of a new stage in the production of a new generation of wheelchairs.

The incredible transformations that can be seen in the video are in fact the long phases of construction that led to the long-awaited result. As in any construction project, it all started with the foundation, for which a special mortar was used due to the scale of the construction.

In the beginning, there were piles of debris everywhere, but by the time the shell was erected, we were able to clear the area so there was less interference during the main work. At some point, we tried to get the roof up as quickly as possible to minimize the number of days of rain that could negatively affect the structure. Once the roof and canopies were in place, the production already had the basic outline and it seemed that the impressive expenditures were behind us, but the next phases of construction showed the need for a lot of investment.

The roughing work was just as difficult. Because we were building an industrial building, the distance between the bays and the height of the walls to the ceiling were large, so we had to use special equipment and machinery. We could not economize on materials, as there are special requirements for the durability of industrial spaces.

In the final phase, it was important to complete all the work that would allow production to run at full capacity. This included the installation of communications and equipment, as well as facade and landscaping work. The difficulty was that we were building a powerful production base that had to accommodate more than six specialized workshops. It was also important for us to create comfortable places for the workers. In most cases, all plants, factories and other industrial enterprises are built as gloomy, dark buildings that you want to pass by as quickly as possible. We have done the opposite, using modern solutions in architecture. We think we’ve succeeded!